Fix: large UI on Android

Google updated the WebView component in Android and broke some legacy features, which caused GuitarTapp Pro’s UI to be displayed way too large. Because we are unable to fix this UI sizing issue in the app by publishing an update to Google Play in a timely fashion, we are hereby offering an alternative way to update the app. You can download a fix from

NEW ChordPro version released

Great news! We released a completely new version of GuitarTapp, designed to display all your songs in the popular ChordPro format. We completely redesigned the user interface and added cool new features such as AutoCue, RemoteControl, in-app ChordPro file editor, commenting on songs, in-app support, and much much more. We are still in the process of porting our code to iOS and Windows, but the Android version is #free to download here: GuitarTapp ChordPro for Android


GuitarTapp for Windows 8/RT released!

We’re very happy to announce that GuitarTapp has been released to the Windows Store! If you are using Windows 8 on your PC, or Windows 8/RT on your tablet: get your copy from the Windows Store today!

GuitarTapp running on Microsoft Surface with Windows RT

GuitarTapp running on Microsoft Surface with Windows RT

With this addition, GuitarTapp is now available on 3 major platforms: Android, iOS and Windows.

See for more info!

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